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Joe Jordan's Drafts – Analysis

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This is my second cut. I'll add subsequent years later.

I've included all signed draftees whether they signed in the year drafted or were drafted in subsequent years and signed then.

I've posted Tampa Bay's draft summary here

Comments appreciated

Draft Summary

					2005	#	Signed by	  Now with	    Drafted	O's  Others	O's  Others51	27	9	11	5HS	15	4	2	3	2JC	9	3	2	1	1Col	27	20	5	7	2RHP	19	9	4	3	2LHP	9	4	3	2	2C	6	4	0	0	01B	3	2	0	0	02B	2	2	0	1	0SS	2	2	0	0	03B	0	0	0	0	0IF	0	0	0	2	0OF	10	4	2	3	1OOB	20	15	5	0	0NA	1	1	0	0	0Rook	0	0	0	0	0A	1	1	0	1	0A+	2	1	1	1	1AA	6	6	0	6	0AAA	3	1	2	1	2MLB	3	3	0	2	1
					2006	#	Signed by	  Now with	    Drafted	O's  Others	O's  Others51	30	3	16	3HS	20	6	1	5	1JC	6	3	0	1	0Col	25	21	2	10	2RHP	19	11	0	5	0LHP	10	4	1	4	1C	6	4	1	0	11B	1	1	0	0	02B	1	1	0	1	0SS	5	4	0	1	03B	2	2	0	0	0IF	0	0	0	1	0OF	7	3	1	4	1OOB	12	12	0	0	0NA	2	2	0	0	0Rook	2	1	1	1	1A	1	1	0	1	0A+	9	8	1	8	1AA	5	4	1	4	1AAA	1	1	0	1	0MLB	1	1	0	1	0
					Overall	#	Signed by	  Now with	    Drafted	O's  Others	O's  Others102	57	12	27	8HS	35	10	3	8	3JC	15	6	2	2	1Col	52	41	7	17	4RHP	38	20	4	8	2LHP	19	8	4	6	3C	12	8	1	0	11B	4	3	0	0	02B	3	3	0	2	0SS	7	6	0	1	03B	2	2	0	0	0IF	0	0	0	3	0OF	17	7	3	7	2OOB	32	27	5	0	0NA	3	3	0	0	0Rook	2	1	1	1	1A	2	2	0	2	0A+	11	9	2	9	2AA	11	10	1	10	1AAA	4	2	2	2	2MLB	4	4	0	3	1


OOB = Out of Baseball

Rook = Rookie League

Col = College

Information source:

2005 Draft

2006 Draft

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I think what you're looking for is commentary on how successful Jordan's draft was/is, as well as perhaps discussing tendancies?

Too early still, but it looks potentailly good with all of the top four picks making or on the cusp of the majors. Olson got us Pie, so that worked out well. Reimold looks like an excellent pick, and Snyder and Erbe are both good prospects, nearly ML ready, and key guys to monitor.

Chorye Spoone (8) David Hernandez (16) and Chad Thall (27) were solid picks as well. Time will tell on this group... but it looks promising.

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Actually . . . do not move on to subsequent years. Stay on this year and move to other teams. You can say Jordan did this and that, but without a concept of what the population of scouting directors are accomplishing . . . it does not work very well. We do not know the spectrum.

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Actually . . . do not move on to subsequent years. Stay on this year and move to other teams. You can say Jordan did this and that, but without a concept of what the population of scouting directors are accomplishing . . . it does not work very well. We do not know the spectrum.

He's Right! Put up three other teams for comparison! (Yes, it's lots of work... but that would at least give yourself / us, a good barometer to judge and asses J.J. on

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Actually . . . do not move on to subsequent years. Stay on this year and move to other teams. You can say Jordan did this and that, but without a concept of what the population of scouting directors are accomplishing . . . it does not work very well. We do not know the spectrum.
He's Right! Put up three other teams for comparison! (Yes, it's lots of work... but that would at least give yourself / us, a good barometer to judge and asses J.J. on

How about recommending some teams to which to compare?

P.S. I accept "positive reputation" as compensation for my efforts:D

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While too early to tell, the snapshot we are getting at this point and time looks to be pretty successful. This draft definitely strengthened our present and past system as well as our current ML team.

Olson turned into Pie which looks to be a .300 25HR type guy

Reimold looks to be an offensively above average LFer and I wouldnt be surprised if he makes an All Star team once or twice the way he gets really hot and goes on massive HR streaks like we saw when he first came up. I think he will be a .275/30/100 guy for a while....

Hernandez at the very least I expect him to be a fixture in the pen. If things click for him he may even have a future in the rotation

Chad Thall looks to be one of our top relief prospects.

Chorye Spoone would be in the rotation already IMO. He had the ceiling of a 1/2 IMO and we shall see what we have with him by next season IMO. If he can come back with the mid 90's heat and hammer curve, this draft looks even better.

Erbe is yet another mid rotation type of guy. The folks who see him pitch come away impressed. IMO the way some here have been down on him, I suspect he will surprise many of us once he gets up here.

Snyder projects to hit around .300 with decent OBP skills and low 20 HR power numbers while playing solid defense at 1B.

Too bad we couldnt ink Scheppers. If the brass carried the same mentality into this draft as they did in the 09 draft, Scheppers may be in our rotation right now....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd compare them to the teams that picked right ahead and right behind the O's.

I'd say Royals, Nationals, BoSox, and Giants.
Compare them to the Reds and Indians... They had comparable records in 04

If and when I get around to it -- I would think the most important (and useful) comparisons would be to those teams in the O's division -- the A.L. East

Thanks for your responses

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What do you think?

Again . . . I do not know what to think because we do not have much of a baseline. Comparing 2005 to 2006 is not useful because the time line is collapsing in terms of how long players remain in the system. You need cross league comparisons.

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					2005	#       Signed by       Now with	    Drafted	TB  Others	TB   Others50	25	11	6	9HS	19	5	6	3	4JC	8	3	4	0	2Col	23	17	1	3	3RHP	23	11	6	2	6LHP	7	4	1	2	1C	3	1	1	1	01B	4	0	1	0	12B	1	1	0	0	0SS	4	3	0	0	03B	1	1	0	0	0IF	0	0	0	0	0OF	7	4	2	1	1OOB  		17	4	0	0NA    	 	0	0	0	0Rook		0	0	0	0ss A		0	0	0	0A      	 	0	0	0	0A+	 	1	2	1	2AA	 	3	2	3	2AAA	 	4	1	2	3MLB	 	0	2	0	2

Tampa Bay failed to sign Tommy Hunter and Clayton Mortensen

Each of those players were drafted and signed by other teams in subsequent drafts

As of the end of the 2009 season they are the only players drafted by Tampa Bay to have played in the majors

Also, Tampa Bay signed 2 other players (whom they subsequently traded or released) who are now playing with minor league affiliates in other organizations

					2006	#       Signed by       Now with	    Drafted	TB  Others	TB   Others50	21	5	14	3HS	26	7	2	4	0JC	9	5	1	2	1Col	15	9	2	8	2RHP	17	8	2	6	2LHP	4	1	0	0	0C	4	2	0	2	01B	3	1	1	1	02B	3	2	0	0	0SS	3	3	0	2	03B	2	1	0	1	0IF	0	0	0	0	0OF	14	3	2	2	1OOB  		6	3	0	0NA    		0	0	0	0Rook		0	0	0	0ss A		2	0	2	0A      		4	2	4	2A+		3	0	3	0AA		2	0	2	0AAA		2	0	2	0MLB		2	0	1	1

Tampa Bay signed RHP Josh Butler and, in 2008, traded him to Milwaukee; he made his major league debut late in 2009

The only other 2006 draftee to have reached the majors is Evan Longoria

					Overall	#       Signed by       Now with	    Drafted	TB  Others	TB   Others100	46	16	20	12HS	45	12	8	7	4JC	17	8	5	2	3Col	38	26	3	11	5RHP	40	19	8	8	8LHP	11	5	1	2	1C	7	3	1	3	01B	7	1	2	1	12B	4	3	0	0	0SS	7	6	0	2	03B	3	2	0	1	0IF	0	0	0	0	0OF	21	7	4	3	2OOB     	23	7	0	0NA       	0	0	0	0Rook		0	0	0	0ss A		2	0	2	0A        	4	2	4	2A+		4	2	4	2AA		5	2	5	2AAA		6	1	4	3MLB		2	2	1	3

Information source:

2005 Draft

2006 Draft

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OK so what jumps out without staring at it long is that we (the Orioles) have more players from that draft still in the system than TB does.

Is that a true indication of success? Or a reflection upon the lack of talent int he system at that time?

2 players are in the ML and a whopping 6 are in Bowie.... (So while it wasnt a blockbuster year, the club did bolster its minor league system)

in comparission...

TB has none fromt hat draft in the MLs... but has talent spread evenly within their system

Looks like the Os won that competition from the data supplied.

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The O's did a better job of signing their draftees -- 55% vs. 46%

The Rays drafted a higher percentage of HS'ers -- 45% vs. 34%

but signed a smaller percentage than the O's -- 27% vs. 29%

The O's emphasized LHP and C more so than did the Rays

Each team's draft has yielded 4 major MLB players

For Tampa Bay, only Evan Longoria is on their roster; RHPs Hunter and Mortensen went unsigned and were drafted and signed by other teams in subsequent drafts

For the O's -- Reimold, Hernandez, and Berken, with Olson (for whom we obtained Pie) on Seattle's roster

The O's retain, in total, 27 players; the Rays 20

The O's have 10 at the AA level vs. the Rays 5

The O's have 2 at AAA vs. the Rays 4

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    • Thank you. I knew there was something bogus about that post. I saw Cal play SS. And Gunnar is no Cal at SS. Not even close. And this is coming from a big fan of Gunnar. I would like to see him play a traditional power position. Call me old fashioned. He’s hurting the team at SS. 
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